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Attachment Research

Attachment Handbook for Foster Care and Adoption by Gillian Schofield and Mary Beek Coraam BAAF 2018
ISBN 978-1-910039-68-7

A Secure Base: Clinical Applications of Attachment Theory by Bowlby J (1988). London: Routledge.
ISBN 978-0415006408.

"Citation Classic, Maternal Care and Mental Health" by Bowlby J (December 1986). 
Current Contents. Retrieved July 13, 2008.

John Bowlby & Attachment Theory. Makers of modern psychotherapy by Holmes, J (1993). London: Routledge. p. 69. 
ISBN 978-0-415-07729-3.

"Separation Anxiety". International Journal of Psychoanalysis.  Bowlby J (1960).

Attachment and Loss, Vol. 1. Attachment (Pelican ed.) Bowlby, J (1971) [1969], London: Penguin Books,
ISBN 9780140212761

"Forty-four juvenile thieves: Their characters and home life" by Bowlby J (1944). International Journal of Psychoanalysis. 

A Secure Base: Clinical Applications of Attachment Theory by Bowlby J (1988).  London: Routledge.
ISBN 978-0415006408.

Child Care and the Growth of Love by Bowlby, J London: Penguin Books (1953). 
ISBN 978-0-14-020271-7. (version of WHO publication Maternal Care and Mental Health published for sale to the general public)

The Making and Breaking of Affectional Bonds by Bowlby, J (1979).  London: Tavistock Publications. 
ISBN 978-0-422-76860-3.

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If anyone has any other research they would like to include here please do contact Beth Hooper at:





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